Some Cases In Which You Would Perm: Ban/Temp-Ban People

Brilliant Essays
Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people:
/Warn (IGN) Spam

/Tempmute (IGN) 5m Spam

/Tempmute (IGN) 10m Spam

/Tempmute (IGN) 15m Spam


Take a Screenshot

/Mute (IGN) Suspicious Link/IP-Logger

/clearchat afterwards.


Inappropriate Links:

/Mute (IGN) Inappropriate Link


Staff Disrespect:

/Warn (IGN) Staff Disrespect

/Tempmute (IGN) 5m Staff Disrespect

/Tempmute (IGN) 10m Staff Disrespect

/Tempmute (IGN) 15m Staff Disrespect


Staff Impersonation:
…show more content…


/Tempban (IGN) 48h Hacking

/Ban (IGN) Hacking(Name of hack/s)



/Mute (IGN) Advertising

Screenshot and post it in Support Chat.

/Ban (IGN) Advertising

If you banned an advertiser from Support Chat.

/Unmute (IGN) -s

/clearchat afterwards.


Indirect Advertising:

/Mute (IGN) Indirect Advertising


Mute Evasion:

Screenshot and post it in Support Chat.

/Tempban (IGN) 15m Mute Evasion


Excessive Racism:

/Warn (IGN) Excessive Racism

/Tempmute (IGN) 15m Excessive Racism

/Tempmute 30m Excessive Racism

still proceeds to be excessively racist after the 30 minute tempmute.

/Mute (IGN) Excessive Racism.


Server Drama/Hate:
(They cannot /Ban for Server Drama/Hate)



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