Spamming Chat
Spamming in chat is saying the same word or any other different word 3 times without waiting atleast 1 second.
The punishment is a warn then if the player does it the second time it is a mute!
/warn , /ban
Suspicious Links / IP-Loggers:
Posting any links in chat that is none opcrat related could get you banned permanently for Suspicious links or IP-Loggers.
Staff Disrespect:
Staff Disrespect is swearing at staff or saying bad words to staff .
The punishment is a warn then the second time is a mute.
/warn , /mute
Staff Impersonation:
Staff impersonation is using /nick to act like staff and make your nick name like that : " IHelperIBullSexy …show more content…
this will result in a demote.
Hacking is used a hacked client that gives you advantage over players that will allow you to use not allowed modifications such as killaura , reach , criticals etc ...
Staff members will start voting in the hacker chat and when they get 5 or 6 +1 votes, the player will get punished!
Hacking will result in a permanent ban.
Advertising is saying an IP Adress in chat that is not related to opcraft.
I will mute the player as helper then I will tell a moderator + to ban the player.
As a moderator I will ban the player and clear the chat!
Advertising results in a ban.
Mute Evasion:
Mute Evasion is if you get muted you will try to evade the mute by using other ways to talk in chat like /bid or anything else will result in a ban for 15 minutes, you can't ban the player if you are not a manager, if you are not a manager and you did it it will result an instant demote for you!
Racism is being hateful towards coloured people or people from different countries. I will warn the player and if he continues it will be a 15 minutes mute then 30 minutes mute. but after the 30 minutes mute there is a permanent mute but only a manager + has the right permission to do