Country United States
Timezone Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Do you have teamspeak? Yes, I also have skype!
How active are you/when are you online: I am on everyday for about 4-6 hours, and can be on for as long as I want to. I am also on summer break for a month or so, so I can play now for about 6-10 hours hopefully!
Why do you believe you should be chosen as a trial mod? I have a lot of experience on other servers, and I have a full understanding, on what you need to do as a good staff member. Such as screen-sharing, Keeping my chill in bad situations, and just having a good out personality. I get along with other people, and I know when to take serious things into consideration depending on the situation at hand and I'm not afraid to give me insight in appropriate situations if I either think something needs fixed, or if i believe something can be settled in a different manor, or if something is unfair to either the staff or the players. I can be active on the server on weekend for at least 5+ hours and weekdays after I get home from school 2:00 - 10:00 depending on what I have planned for the day or if I'm needed somewhere else. I do not like or allow spammers or hackers because they are both annoying, and need to have consequences when they break the rules. I can also record (hackers, spammers). I´m on the forums a lot to. So i can also help out there with anything you need. I am a positive boy with a great attitude. I'm not getting angry so easily, and i can get the players respect. I will almost always be online if you need my help to something, but of course i need to look out for my school to, but else then the school i'm free to help with anything. I hope you will consider me, but if i get denied i will always help people as much as i can when I am online. If i get accepted i will of course help out in chat, and in game (with spammers, and hackers), and i will be a loyal staff that is not abusing everything. I will also be a lot on TS for that sake. I will also be very online on KoonKraft forum where i will help out as many as possible. Do you have any past history of bans or abuse on koonkraft? …show more content…
(Explain) No I have not been banned on Koonkraft before I have not broken any rules before and I don't plan on ever getting banned or breaking any rules on the server because I really do love this server. Experience: (Write of any past staff experience you have on minecraft) Okay, so coming to this subject I have Owned multiple servers, that have had briefly about 20-30 on actively. Then I sold my server for about $300 to this kid who wanted it because, I didn't really feel like owning a server anymore, because I barely had time because of school so yeah there's that. I was Mod on another server, which some may know called MineagePvP, I was staff on there for a while enjoying it, until Nyalon had sold his server, and it became quit there. So I and a few others decided to resign as staff there and never went back. I was a Dev on a server called galactic factions, which is now I think called UnifiedMC, I left that server because the owner started doing his server