What Makes a Perfect Client or Customer?
When you picture your ideal client, you are imagining the one person that you just love working with. This is the client who gives you the best and most attractive business opportunities. This client possesses the following attributes:
* Values your services
* Values your time
* Respects you
* Trusts you with their best interests
* Has realistic expectations
* Pays your worth
* Is honest, intelligent and sincere
Don't we all wish we had a pool of wonderful customers just …show more content…
* What am I doing to make myself and my services more attractive to this client?
Traits of the Perfect Client or Customer
The perfect client is well-funded. Find out ahead of time what your potential client's monthly marketing budget is. Be sure to ask them what their level of comfort is in losing money at the beginning. How much money are they willing to risk to build their business?
The perfect client has available resources. Find out ahead of time who your contact person will be in dealing with your new client and how much clout that person has within the company. Be sure to ask if additional resources will be available and accessible as well.
The perfect client has technological resources. Technology is the basis for any web-based business. Unfortunately, many potential clients are relatively clueless when it comes to knowing and obtaining the technological resources they need to accomplish what they want to. If they do not have systems in place for managing the technological aspect of the business, find out how willing they are to do what it takes to get this aspect of the business up and running. If you have to, get them enrolled in a free online training workshop to get them on their …show more content…
A Can-Do attitude from your client is the difference between contented success and miserable failure. One way to determine whether or not the potential client has the attitude you want is to have a brainstorming session with them. Make suggestions and advise them about possibilities and risks that go along with any new ventures you are discussing. If the client is looking at things from a realistic perspective and is getting excited about the whole process, that's a good sign.
The perfect client understands the value of a good multi-level marketing plan. Marketing comes first and takes the majority of time in a business, especially in the infant stages. Be sure the client is willing to re-invest profits toward additional marketing and business building. There are free online workshops to help them develop this plan.
The perfect client is willing to make a long term commitment to a strategic multi-level marketing plan. Discuss realistic time lines with your potential client. Be sure they realize that a successful marketing plan takes time and energy. Immediate results will not happen, so the client who expects the quick profit is a headache and a waste of your