By letting the customer know what you are willing to do for them and what service you will provide for them you can set an expectation, by setting this expectation you can then exceed this as company.
A fool proof customer service model is to treat your employees as your first customer. Happy employees mean happy customers. The attitudes and behaviours of employees will determine your customer service and satisfaction. Employees should be put first ahead of customers.
Another effective customer service model is to listen to the …show more content…
The feedback we receive is closely monitored by our Head Office staff and the managers of the hotels in order to ensure that we perform to the best of our abilities.
3.4 Explain the costs and benefits of customer service to an organisation
The potential benefits to a business from providing a consistently high level of customer service include:
• Increased sales – more likely to try out other products/services too
• Customer loyalty –more likely to be a source of repeat business and to recommend the business to friends and family
• Enhanced public image – helps build a brand and provides protection if there is a slip-up in customer service
• More effective workforce – satisfied customers help create a positive working environment
Great customer service can be very cost effective, the better the customer service received and the product sold, the more revenue will be generated for the company meaning a larger turnover.
Great customer service can generate a good reputation for a company, a company that looks after their customers are more than likely to have a customer return or show interest in the products and services on offer.
3.5 Explain the impact of organisational values on how customers create their