I am extremely active when it comes to TeamSpeak, Even when I'm not here I will always be on teamspeak, I will be AFK awaiting for someone to poke me, or just staying afk over night or just chilling out with the public! I love doing support rooms as I am quick and swift knowing that what is ahead of me I can handle, I take care of things very easily and try to make sure I get as many people as I can get. This is a very good thing about me is that I will always be active In the support rooms as I have Team Speak on my phone and can do that when I'm mon the go!
Ban Appeals
I know rights from wrongs and when it comes to this I know what to do, Obviously since I'm helper I would not automatically unban someone, I would need proof etc.. A ban appeal is when a player is banned and they thing it is false and or they want to admit, They do this by going to the FaithfulMC Forums and creating a forum with proof, a statement why they were banned etc.. Since I am helper I would obviously forward any proof to a fellow staff member for reviewing and have them determine whether or not they are truthful and Legit.
As I have said previously I have no life meaning that I will be on almost all of the time, Their is school but I take an hour after school or more to do homework, Than I record videos than I can come onto the server, the thing is with me is that I am fast and smart meaning that I can get through anything that I need to do very quickly. I can be on the server ASAP to help someone ASAP, and always be on the server to assist and or be in the support rooms helping people out, as I said I take this position as a job and take it very seriously, I will prove that I am not just in it for the rank. Toxicity This is something I hate and think is ruining Minecraft as a whole. Toxicity is when a player and or STAFF member is being mad and or salty as people call it. Think of it as a toddler crying because he/she didn't get a toy and is spoiled and screams and cries because they don't get their way.. Yes That's what this is and what I'm comparing it to because it’s true, this is dumbfound, Yes I will admit I have done it in the past but who hasn't? It needs to stop though and that's coming from someone who has been down that path many time. I really think it’s time for people to mature up, Though this is a block game people love this game and you are just ruining it by being a brat and being disruptive of peace. Helpfulness …show more content…
As I have said before I love helping, I would help anyone who needs it and multitask, I take care of the easiest and fastest task first to have more time for the series task as I am fast, I am always their for someone even if they are spamming me, sure I will obviously punish the but will never ignore them because I was always in their position needing a staff member and