We are asked to explore and utilize what is considered quality or qualified types of research. In our world of advanced technology, the amount of positive or reliable information that an individual has access to can be considered a good thing. Unfortunately not all available information is reliable and is just something that someone decided to make available without proper research. As nurses it is critical that when utilizing research to help improve patient care and outcomes, we must make sure that it is credible, suitable, current and should be peer-reviewed.
What is the purpose of the research or the proposed research question/hypothesis? The purpose of the study was to compare …show more content…
The study had sixty-five patients that were randomized picked to receive normal or usual care and then others would get both the normal care plus the kit of nonpharmacologic strategies, 32 were in the control group and 33 received the kit (Pellino et. al, 2005).
What is the specific nursing intervention involved in this research?
The nurse is a key individual in the assessment, administration and education of interventions, and the evaluation of the impact of interventions on an individual patient. Nurses make significant contributions to facilitate communication and decision-making in the pain management of patients (Pellino et. al, 2005). Therefore, having a key understanding of both pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions is an essential for positive pain management.
What is the comparison of interest?
In the current study they compared previous research that used nonpharmacological interventions like music, massage and relaxation techniques only, where as now patients had a choice of using whatever they want in the kits provided. This allowed them to see which methods the control group preferred.
Is the research qualitative or quantitative? How do you know?