Never Told Me Narrative

Great Essays
If somebody would have told me this is how my life would turn out, never in a million years would I have believed them.
My entire life had been fucked up, starting with the day I was born.
The day I was born, my parents gave me up for adoption. From then on I bounced from foster home to foster home; some were good and some of them not so good.
I lived with the same family from the age of ten until I graduated high school. They were one of the, not so good families. They were only being a foster home for the fucking money. They had three of their own biological kids, which made me the outsider, but yet, I was their little moneymaker.
My rational thoughts when I was thirteen was the money I had heard them talking about each month was
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I know what an MC is, I know how to mechanic on vehicles and motorcycles.” I told him. All the guys, including Albert laughed.
“That just means you’re the Bitch of the bunch until they patch you in. We’ve all done it with a few exceptions.” Albert slapped his hand down onto my shoulder.
And that’s how I got involved in the Rail Rider MC. I wouldn’t change it for the world, they treated me like family from day one. I’m not saying I liked some of the stupid shit they had me do, but, if I wanted patched in I had to do what needed to be done. I quit working for Albert and started for the MC as a mechanic.
I met Lucifer’s daughter Sydney and her friend Theresa one day when they came into the clubhouse. I vaguely remembered seeing them around school, but then again, I didn’t pay attention to many of the other students.
“HEY!” the small beautiful brunette walked up to me. “I’m Sydney.” She extended her
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“I’m Theresa, I remember seeing you around school!” she smiled and stuck her hand out for me. The very second our hands met, we both felt it. Heat and electricity from each other’s touch, it was something I’d never felt before.
I grinned at her, I could tell she felt the same sensations. I pulled my hand away and stuffed it in my pocket. I had been warned that they were off limits, especially Sydney. “Right, so uh, what are you two up to today?” I couldn’t take my eyes off of Theresa. Her long blond hair was in a ponytail with a large blue and silver ribbon tied around it to match their cheerleading uniforms. Sydney cleared her throat and smiled.
“Dad said you need to give us a ride to the school, my car won’t start.” She held a set of car keys out to me. “When you get back you’re supposed to look at it and see what’s wrong with it.”
“Okay.” I narrowed my eyes at her. If this was a set up from the other members I was going to be pissed. My cell phone rang, I pulled it out of my pocket. Lucifer was calling, “Yeah Prez?”
“Prospect…” he knew I hated being called that so he laughed, “I need you to take those two overly hyper cheerleaders to the school.”
“I’m on it.” I stood from the bar

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