Neurosurgeons have several different jobs all in one. According to Rajshekar, V. (2015), "All of us sit on the famous three-legged stool of patient care, teaching and research." They have to worry about the overall health of patients after surgery and if they are able to function like normal after surgery. They are there to teach/inform you about what is going on at all times to keep you up to date on what is happening. Neurosurgeons have to be able to keep their level of teaching up to date to be able to help younger neurosurgeons and to be able to “show them the ropes.” And finally they have to be up to date on the latest research. They have to be able to read and explain to their patients of the reading on their CAT scans and/or MRI Scans. Neurosurgeons have to be able to locate the problem through these scans to be able to come up with a logical way to fix what is wrong. This shows that many tasks have to be done to be a successful neurosurgeon. Successful neurosurgeons aren’t always categorized as being the nicest, many are believed to be thought of as rude and/or outright mean. In an article named Neurology India, Rajshekhar said: "In common lore, brain surgery and rocket science are considered to be the acme of human intellectual achievement, reserved for the smartest of the smart. While that may make us neurosurgeons smug, we have to contend with another common perception of our personality. We are considered to be rude, unfriendly, bossy, arrogant and in love with ourselves, not to talk of our hubris." At teaching hospitals residents have important jobs that constantly have to be monitored by radiologists. In a document written by multiple radiologists called Acta Radiologica, Issa said: “The emergency radiology studies appear automatically on a worklist available for all radiology residents and radiologists. When a new study appears, the radiology resident will dictate a report, send a copy to the ED, ona separate ‘comments’ section, and sign it off to the radiologist, who checks the studies by chronological order,. If there are any changes to be made to the report, the radiologist adjusts the reports, notifies the ED, and labels the study with a keyword ‘A’ after documenting the communication in the verified report.” This shows how checking of other fields in the radiology environment happen and are documented. …show more content…
“Discrepancy rates between preliminary reports of the residents and final reports of the radiologists represent an important performance indicator for the hospital in general, and the radiology department and teaching program specifically.” (Issa, 2015) Many factors come into figure out what the reason is for the discrepancy reports in the first place. According to Issa, G (2015), “Factors such as the training level of the resident, modality of the study, and time of interpretation, as well as identifying the most frequently missed diagnoses on imaging studies.” Radiologists are constantly monitoring residents to see how well imaging has been taught (Issa, 2015). There is a lot