The salaries given to neurosurgeons may vary depending on which state the job location is. Currently in the state of Louisiana, the average pay for a neurosurgeon is $597,313. Unlike the pay for this job in Louisiana, the national pay for this job is actually smaller. According to many websites, the national pay for a neurosurgeon is $489,839, and could possibly increase in later years. Along with the salary, there are many benefits for choosing the career path. One example of a benefit in Louisiana would be insurance for professional liability coverage due to all of the high risk surgeries that are performed. The state also provides a Malpractice insurance to most neurosurgeons for protection over possible lawsuits from past and current patients. Unlike most common benefits, this job comes with the enjoyment of watching a patient recover; for example, a paralyzed man being able to walk once again
The salaries given to neurosurgeons may vary depending on which state the job location is. Currently in the state of Louisiana, the average pay for a neurosurgeon is $597,313. Unlike the pay for this job in Louisiana, the national pay for this job is actually smaller. According to many websites, the national pay for a neurosurgeon is $489,839, and could possibly increase in later years. Along with the salary, there are many benefits for choosing the career path. One example of a benefit in Louisiana would be insurance for professional liability coverage due to all of the high risk surgeries that are performed. The state also provides a Malpractice insurance to most neurosurgeons for protection over possible lawsuits from past and current patients. Unlike most common benefits, this job comes with the enjoyment of watching a patient recover; for example, a paralyzed man being able to walk once again