NSA Spying: Should The Government Spy On Citizens

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Did you know that the NSA has stoped 54 terrorist organizations before they were able to harm anyone in the past 2 years. The government should spy on citizens but some people would say otherwise. Some people believe that the government could stop drug dealers and terrorist attempts. However some people think it is a loss of privacy. The government spying on us is a good thing because it is a easier way of finding information about illegal acts that people make and be beneficial to solving cases before anything bad happens.

The spying would keep a good eye on terrorist and gang related crimes. According to the NSA surveillance terrorist, offender and wrongdoer groups have been shut down because they can get into electronics without you knowing. When they get into electronics for example if
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According to Gardiner a NSA member said that one of the safest ways of preventing school shootings is to make sure there is security around the whole building so police can identify and put any suspicious students in questioning. Similarly to adding more security items many schools and student would feel more comfortable with knowing there is more security the make sure the students stay safe. Technology may challenge kids social development, but it can also be harnessed for good. Anonymous reporting systems perhaps text message based can make it easier for parents and students to alert law enforcement and school counselors to kids who seem disconnected or disturbed. That enables early intervention. In Steamboat Springs Colorado May 2017 police took a young man who threatened his parents into custody before he could act on his words because people were watching him through cameras and his phone. Sometimes the government spying could be down right creepy but in the end he security could help save more lives in the future. The government should spy on its citizens to keep the community

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