The process started with learning the importance of using attention getters. I was not sure which type to use and where to put it. I would open my paper with an attention getter that was simply inserted wherever I could fit it. Sometimes I was missing them all together. Usually it was out of place and awkwardly worded. The course taught me how to use them in the proper place to help my paper flow. Unlike my old papers, my attention getter furthered my discussion, instead of being filler. Old papers either did not have an attention getter, or had something that did not pertain well. My most recent papers, including papers from other classes, have had strong attention getters, like analogies or facts that pertain to the …show more content…
My thesis at the end of my introduction paragraphs also seemed inserted in a random place. I leaned to develop my introduction, but I still could not insert my thesis correctly. I knew all the rules, but still my thesis seemed misplaced because my introduction development was not antiquate. I received negative comments on this too because my thesis felt “dropped in”. I learned how to open my paper in a way where my position begins immediately, not when I introduce my thesis. My thesis no longer seems “thrown into” my paper. My thesis furthers my argument. Many thesis statements act as an opening sentence; however, I learned for form a position on a topic from my thesis. I also worked to make my thesis a compound sentence every time, giving depth to my positions and