My Leadership Philosophy

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A leader, the person who leads or commands a group. That's the Merriam-Webster definition, but that seems far too simple a definition for a character who's actions and influences can reverberate for days, weeks or even generations to come. Often the word leader calls to mind a vision of Martin Luther King Jr., a military officer, or the President of the United States? A leader, in my opinion, is someone who leads a group with integrity, and with a passion to serve others. Leaders need to have values and character straits admirable to others. and . A good leader is empowering and passionate, and values humility, service, courage, and humanity, but above all else acts with integrity.

When leaders empower their followers the strength and conviction of their cause is multiplied. Followers are boosted in confidence, purpose, and ownership of the mission. Empowering people actuates productivity. People are overall more positive and more energetic in their roles. Throughout history, we have the example of military leaders such as Alexander the Great, King Kamehameha, Napolean, and General MacArthur who inspired their armies to great exploits. I have no doubt that
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Common to all leaders is an ability to convey their message either through stirring oratory, writing, or actions. The message must be compelling and meaningful on a level that unites and empowers people to look beyond themselves to a greater purpose. This is possibly the most unique and intangible characteristic of a leader. Many people have opinions but not many can convince, persuade or inspire others to follow them. During the Civil Rights movement, there were a number of individuals that cared as deeply for justice and equality as Martin Luther King Jr. did, but it was his character and eloquence that stirred hearts and minds. Which is why the people that sought to stop him looked for ways to tarnish his character. A leader without integrity will not

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