Leadership Philosophy
Recently I took advantage of a course being offered at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) titled, “The Challenge of Leadership”. This course was presented by Mr. …show more content…
Therefore, in response to the following question, “What is your leadership philosophy for this organization”, my vision is to provide an environment of trust and wholesomeness. This environment will in turn help individuals grow as professionals and excel abundantly both personally and professionally. To accomplish this vision I intend to lead by example. Trustworthiness, humility, empathy, dedication, strength and open-mindedness are the driving forces influencing my decisions. I will be an open book for my peers and subordinates alike to explore and learn from. As a team, we will each work to expand on these characteristics by learning and building on our experiences. When asked: “How did you come to that philosophy, what traits and leadership characteristics do you think are important for a leader to possess and how those apply to your philosophy and the success of your organization?” My philosophy is supported with one of four classic approaches used to define the basic concept of leadership, the transactional approach. This approach tells us that the way one leads is directly attributed to the accumulation of influence to the reciprocal transactions between leaders and followers. Additionally, this philosophy is supported by Abraham Maslow’s theory that once the basic needs of survival and security are met, people concern themselves with higher needs like …show more content…
Because my leadership style leans toward that of a transactional leader I’m sure I would have handled the situation similarly to the commander interviewed for this assignment. Also, I would work hard to help the victim regain faith in the organization as I am sure the attack potentially weakened the bond between the service member and the Army as a whole. Sexual assault is unfortunate and even though the outcome of the situation yielded a conviction the scar of the horrific event may never