Miss Representation Analysis

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The documentary Miss Representation highlights the relationship between the mainstream media and how men and women are represented in society. The film begins with how the media portrays a false sense of beauty and the affect that it has on the average American teen and woman and how they are viewed by society and men. Our modern culture is shaped by actresses, celebrities and primarily supermodels, who have developed health disorders such as Anorexia and substance abuse, to fit the mold of beauty that has been formulated by the media and as a society we have been conditioned into believing that this is how women should look.
“53% of young girls are unhappy with their bodies, this rate increase to 78% by the age of 17. As a result 65% of women
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In our modern world the media has caused women to feel pressured to conform to males ideals of the perfect woman and led to these women engaging in cosmetic surgical procedures to alter their appearance in order to please society and men, while making themselves feel more insecure. Most women statistically are spending more on beauty products and the pursuit of the media’s ideals of beauty than on their own education which is beneficial to them in the long …show more content…
The movie industry portrays men as having unlimited opportunities and the ability to play different parts, while the women is viewed as unequal and limited to side characters or the roles of sex objects. Our modern culture has altered our views on women and developed an acceptance for women to be judged solely on their bodies and viewed as sex objects. For example, women play provocative roles in music videos and most films. The television industry also targets males between the ages of 18-34 years of age with advertisements by using beautiful women as body props to capture the men’s attention in order for companies to sell their products.
The mainstream media has always been in the hands of men, as women own only 5.8% of all television stations and 6% of radio stations. Women in their teen’s, 20’s, and 30’s make-up 39% of the population, yet are 71% of these women are on television. These women who work in the television industry are scrutinized, objectified, and sexualized, more often than men. For example, female news anchors are harshly trashed by males in the same field by being criticized and referred to as wicked witches, fat, and unfit for television. This verbal abuse damages their self-esteem and their professional

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