By eating large amounts of the oil over a 3 - 6 month period, nearly any disease can either be cured or completely controlled. This is possible because cannabis medicine works essentially through the endocannabinoid system and the superregulatory system of our bodies that maintains homeostasis in the other systems. It is widely known and observable that people with cancer, chronic pain, inflammatory conditions, and other conditions smoke cannabis with remarkable efficacy. When you think about that, it's pretty crazy that setting something on fire and inhaling the resulting smoke (thus getting the cannabinoids in a low-concentration form through the lungs, which are not meant to ingest things) works better than many expensive pharmaceuticals. But with cannabis extract oil, there are two primary differences. First, the cannabinoids are much more concentrated than with smoking, so it has a more powerful effect on your system. Second, the oil is ingested, not smoked, meaning it is digested through the system that is meant to absorb nutrients. Essentially, you are feeding your body the pure molecules that enable it to stay balanced, and since all disease is an imbalance of some kind, this medicine is effective against nearly anything. At least, that's what the bulk of science and real experience show.
Click here to see an incredibly extensive list of peer-reviewed scientific studies and news reports about cannabis medicine. Here are just a few conditions that science has proven cannabinoids are therapeutically active against: Arthritis, Cancer, Crohn's, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Multiple sclerosis and