The marijuana market is getting more and more attention. Broad recreational use laws now exist in seven states and the District of Columbia, making it legal to own and sell in these areas. Additionally, 29 states, including those with recreational use, have approved broad-use medical marijuana. This more accepting culture and the shift in regulations make CBD oil a product with broad market appeal. As a non-psychoactive substance, CBD oil is often advertised as legal to sell in all 50 states. It's also experiencing rapid growth in the marketplace, making it an area that is ripe for investment as long as you understand the challenges ahead of time.
The Health Benefits of CBD
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has several recent peer-reviewed studies that show its potential as a medication. Combined with tons of anecdotal evidence, the overwhelming impression is that CBD can offer significant health benefits. The fact that medical marijuana is now available in more than half the country helps …show more content…
Like any sudden growth industry, new entries will face their share of challenges. The biggest challenge you will face is your supply line. Becoming a CBD retailer is fairly straightforward, but obtaining a quality product is a challenge. CBD oil is only legal in all states when it comes from industrial hemp plants, but these plants contain less CBD than marijuana plants. Industrial hemp plants naturally contain no more than 0.3 percent THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana. Marijuana plants often contain more than 10 percent. The distinction between industrial hemp and marijuana plants is what allows retailers to sell hemp oil products. A significant market segment wants certainty that their CBD oil is completely THC-free, so knowing where the oil comes from and where it is legal to sell is