“I never thought in terms of being a leader. I thought very simply in terms of helping others.” - John Hume.
The quote perfectly explains my values regarding my view of partnerships and cooperations. I never felt that I was leading others in any particular directions, only guiding and motivating them towards a path that they choose for themselves. Not wanting to impose my own beliefs and thinking onto others, I prefer for people to develop their own values and ideas in order to fully express themselves. I do take initiatives, but I take initiative to help others in need rather than assuming a leadership role.
The most prominent reason that I started Junior State of America, a club, at my school along with my friend was because my friend was new to the school. My friend wanted to create one at our school in order to spread her interests in politics and governments as one of the club’s purpose. However, being a new transferred student, my friend has not met many other students and did not know where to start the process. When I heard her interest and problem in establishing the club, I volunteered to help her find out information on who to talk to and where to apply for the club. My intentions were only to help my friend, but then she wanted me to …show more content…
How can I not worry about the first major decision that will affect my life tremendously? College acceptance is not quite the ask and you shall receive kind of situation. At the start of my search for the right major, I set my mind towards the science field, specifically biology and chemistry. Researching and learning about the studies and focus of majors related to biology and chemistry, I chose chemistry as my best fit. In that moment, I felt like I have discovered my true self for the first