However, he still brings up Caesar and express how he was an admirable ruler. In his speech he mentions how Brutus's claims over Caesar's ambitious ways doesn't coincide with his actions. "I thrice presented him a kingly crown, / Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition? /Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,"(III.ii.92-94). In doing this, he implemented skepticism in the audiences' mind over Brutus and Cassius's intentions. Anthony's second agenda was to address Caesar's death. Unlike the conspirators, Anthony did not downplay his death. He made sure the citizens knew and understood how brutally Caesar was murdered. Anthony lists all of the admirable things Caesar has done such as refusing the crown three times, land reforms and his love for Rome and its people. He then tells the crowd, "You all did love him once, not without cause /
What cause withholds you then to mourn for him?" (III.ii.101-102)The crowd didn't know how to react, they all felt the guilt that Brutus and Cassius tried so hard to detract from their …show more content…
The crowd becomes extremely anxious but Anthony continues to stray away from it. He then brings out the body of Caesar and pinpoints each of the wounds the conspirators implemented. He made sure to highlight the wound Brutus caused. The crowd begs to hear the will and Anthony delivers. He tells them of all the gifts Caesar left for them and the crowd goes haywire. "Most noble Caesar! we’ll revenge his death."(III.i.238) The games has changed. The crowd is now aware that the man the conspirators killed was a respectable man and promised them money.
Pierre 3 In conclusion, Marc Anthony is one clever fox. This man singlehandedly managed to turn a group of people against their government with just a speech. They truly thought his speech was solely to pay his respect to Caesar and boy were they wrong. He knew exactly what cards to play and what would rile up the crowd. Brutus and Cassius didn't know what hit them. The best thing about all of this is, he gives the speech and just leaves like the boss he