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Two Julius Caesar Speeches
Brutus and Mark Antony both delivered speeches after the death of Julius Caesar. How do these speeches relate to the conclusion of the play?
Write an essay that compares and contrasts the two speeches and connects them to the resolution of the play. Include quotations from the speeches to explain your thinking.
As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you: develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience. support your thesis with meaningful examples and references from the text, carefully citing any direct quotes.
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Marc Antony and Brutus both had different feelings when it came to their king Julius Caesar and they knew how to show that. When Julius Caesar was killed they both ended up giving to speeches to the people in Rome and talked about the opposite thing that included the same subject which was on the king. Marc Antony loved the king and was his best friend. He knew how Julius Caesar thought and how he worked. Everything that the king planned to do with the kingdom was told to Marc Antony and he supported Julius Caesar because he knew what his motives were. Marc Antony's speech included him talking about Julius Caesar and everything he did to make Rome a better place. He explained to the people how Julius Caesar wanted to help them and he did. He reassured the people that the king was a great person and didn't only want to rule. Brutus had a different opinion when it came to Julius Caesar. He didn't like the way the king ruled and he wanted all the power to himself. He was envious on everything Julius had and how much the people loved him. His speech was not to say how great the king was but to get the crowd riled up. He wanted them to turn against Julius Caesar and choose him as the next king. He wanted to rule Rome. He talked about Julius Caesar and tried brainwashing the people in his speech in order to get what he wanted. They both helped the story evolve. They made the story better because it had a plot twist. If they never had done their speeches then the story would have ended at the king dying and the reader would have never figured out who would become the next