Examples Of Antony's Ethos Pathos Logos

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Emotion: The Only Logical Way to Persuade the Romans Abortion leads to depression and suicide. A study proving this could be used to logically argue that abortion must be banned. A doctor may argue that abortion is sometimes necessary to save a woman’s life. Neither of these arguments would make a substantial impact on the general public. Abortion is too much of an emotionally charged issue for logos and ethos to sway the American people. At the funeral of Julius Caesar, Antony recognized a similar disposition in the Romans. Brutus’s ethos was no match for the emotion Antony cultivated in the public.
Brutus and Antony both read their audience and based their speeches on what they believed the Roman people would best respond to. After making their observations, both men used very little logos. Instead, they relied heavily on two different methods of persuasion. It was clear to both of them that the public did not care for reason and logic.
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Antony’s speech was based on the use of pathos. He mentioned the will of Caesar but then told the people, “It is not meet you know how Caesar loved you” (Anderson 840). The people did not realize that he was manipulating them into demanding to hear the will. His speech was filled with emotional appeals and veiled calls to action such as this. At one point in his speech, he crooned, “Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up to such a sudden flood of mutiny” (Anderson 838). Again, the Romans failed to recognize his manipulation of

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