Julick Nardini Brave Quotes

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The main characters are Privates Nick Nardini and his machine gun partner, Zachary Klecko. They are tall and muscular. Nick is brave and competitive. The proof is in the text: “That is how you describe Nick Nardini, brave.” His competitiveness is shown when Nick and Zack were arguing about who shot a man. Zachary Klecko is scared in the Marines but competitive. The example of his fear is him was saying he didn’t want to be in the war, but make stuff for it. Together they are a machine gun team. The villains are the the Japanese soldiers in the jungles trying to kill them.
The setting is several islands in Japan and a training camp. It is during World War II. The islands are jungles with villages scattered around. They are hot and humid. The training camp has an airbase, towers to jump off of, a track, and an obstacle course. It also has basic stuff like beds and eating areas.
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They end up becoming part of the U.S. Airborne Division. They do a lot of jumps in training to prepare them for jumping from a plane in enemy territory. They develop a bad relationship with the Army because the Marines do the heavy fighting and the Army just follows. The Army stops letting the Marines freely use their jets. Nick and Zack end up getting shipped out to guard an airbase in a hostile territory. They are ordered to defend it and that is where Nick shoots his first casualty. The Japanese soldier was trying to sneak in and capture them. Nick’s company is next used as a diversion to lead Japanese soldiers away from the main invasion force so the other Marines will suffer less casualties. They start out cutting through the jungle and encounter enemy soldiers. They gun them down but retreat before the Japanese find out how small the force actually is. They completed the distraction mission and move on to the main invasion

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