This policy seemed in line for OSHA regulations until Olive Stone, OSHA inspector, shows up and asks to view the company’s bloodborne pathogen policy and employee hepatitis vaccination procedure. Jay is made aware of Olive’s visit by a call from the program services director, Kris. Jay has Kris make the OSHA inspector comfortable while he contacts the company’s attorney, Fred Fleagle, who tells Jay that he should not let Olive inspect anything without a search warrant. In the meantime, Jay searches for clarification on the bloodborne pathogen policy by contacting the head of the state agency overseeing group homes for the mentally challenged. The head of the state instructed Jay that they would not go head-to-head with OSHA and told Jay he should contact Warren Belle with New Horizon Homes. Warren tells Jay that he sent OSHA away because they did not have a search warrant. OSHA came back with the search warrant and six additional OSHA inspectors. A few thousand dollar in fines later, OSHA asks Warren if he was
This policy seemed in line for OSHA regulations until Olive Stone, OSHA inspector, shows up and asks to view the company’s bloodborne pathogen policy and employee hepatitis vaccination procedure. Jay is made aware of Olive’s visit by a call from the program services director, Kris. Jay has Kris make the OSHA inspector comfortable while he contacts the company’s attorney, Fred Fleagle, who tells Jay that he should not let Olive inspect anything without a search warrant. In the meantime, Jay searches for clarification on the bloodborne pathogen policy by contacting the head of the state agency overseeing group homes for the mentally challenged. The head of the state instructed Jay that they would not go head-to-head with OSHA and told Jay he should contact Warren Belle with New Horizon Homes. Warren tells Jay that he sent OSHA away because they did not have a search warrant. OSHA came back with the search warrant and six additional OSHA inspectors. A few thousand dollar in fines later, OSHA asks Warren if he was