Est1 Task 2

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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created by Congress under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to ensure workers were provided with safe and healthy working conditions. Congress found that personal injuries and illnesses were more frequent in work related situations, which caused a loss in production, a decrease in wages, elevated medical expenses, and substantial disability compensation payments. In order to prevent personal injuries or illnesses in the work place, standards were established under the Act, which were taught to employers and employees through trainings and outreach. These standards provided workplace health and safety regulations to limit/prevent an employee’s exposure to possible hazardous situations/environments.
In particular, Part 1910 covers Occupational Safety and Health Standards, which can range from hand protection to requirements for fixed ladders. For example, OSHA Standard No. 1910.95; Occupational Noise Exposure establishes requirements for personnel exposure to excessive sound levels over an extended period of time. While the baseline for an 8 hour workday is 85
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Instrumentation used for monitoring includes a sound level meter and a dosimeter. The sound level measures the intensity of sound at a particular moment while a dosimeter measures the intensity of sound over a period of time. If the monitoring program indicates exposure to sound levels at or over the 8-hour average of 85 dB, the employer is required to notify the effected employee so preventative measures can be implemented to reduce the risk of permanent hearing loss. These preventative measures will include providing the necessary PPE, providing free audiometric testing, the involvement of engineering,

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