Dynamic Duo Case Study

Improved Essays
Dynamic Duo, Inc. employees 75 people, but the management states that they have little experience and knowledge regarding safety regulations. The plant and every employee working for the company is in danger of unforeseen safety hazards since no one is concerned with safety. If the management does not understand the need for a safe work environment, how is the employee supposed to understand how to properly complete a job task in regards to OSHA guidelines? Dynamic Duo, Inc. needs to enforce the need for a safety program and it should start with the management team. It is required that any company having more than one employee, should have a thorough safety program in place (Battles, 2011). Therefore, the management should work directly with …show more content…
should look into creating is a job hazard analysis (JHA). “JHA is a multistep process designed to study and analyze a task-or job- then break down that task into steps which provide a means of eliminating associated hazards” (Swartz, 2002, p. 27). While it may be hard for the facility to create a JHA for every job, maybe they should look at the jobs or areas where the employees are getting injured the most or the areas the employees are becoming ill. The plant obviously has some safety issues to address since five employees became injured about the compliance officer visited the facility, so I would recommend establishing a JHA for those areas first then worry about the other areas and jobs later. A JHA is beneficial because it provides detailed procedures on how to safely perform a task in different areas of the plant. For example, if an employee’s job was to lift a piece a metal, then that employee needs to be aware of ergonomics and the lifting mechanisms that pertain to OSHA regulations and standards. Therefore, a JHA would help instrumental in helping employees understand how to properly perform his/ her job in the safety manner possible and it would also be a tool for new hires to review beginning his/ her new …show more content…
If the company goes to all the work to create a safety program and write JHA’s then everyone should be made aware of what potential hazards he/ she may face and how to eliminate or reduce the risk of injury and/ or illness. OSHA also have strict guidelines that must be followed for training, so the company needs to have a competent and knowledge trainer for each class. I would recommend look at getting a safety firm to come in and do an annual training that over the basic OSHA requirements and then they firm can also come back and teach on specific topics in regards to specific jobs such as: forklift training, confined space training, or OHSA 10 hour classes. It is important that everyone understand the need for a safe work environment and that everyone understand that training is the only way for everyone to be made aware of these problems. Another good idea in terms of training, is have the training be conducted on an annual basis unless otherwise stated in OSHA guidelines. In my opinion, I believe that training employees every year, on the basic OSHA requirements, is a great idea because it keeps the information current and it helps the employees understand that the employer is serious when it comes to their safety culture. However, the company needs to make sure that all the OSHA guidelines are followed in regards to the training. If the employee does not sign an

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