Both of these diseases caused by homework can leave a child very unhealthy. According to the article, “Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids’ Health?” it states, “More than 80 percent of students reported having at least one stress-related symptom in the past month, and 44 percent said they had experienced three or more symptoms.” This is talking about a survey that the was conducted on the kids. More than 80 percent of students said they had one of the stress-related symptoms which were caused by excessive amounts of homework. Also, according to the article, “Kids have three times too much homework, study finds; what’s the cost?” it states, “Fights and conflicts over homework were 200% more likely in families where parents did not have at least a college degree, according to the study.” Fights in families can happen during homework and they can result in bad ways. Fights are not good for your health, especially your mental health. Compare this to fights with your friends; they don’t make you feel good. This is significant because school teaches you to be kind to your friends and family, and homework is just tearing that away from you. Finally, according to the article, “Too much homework? Some parents are just opting out,” it states, “ Most important to parents, studies show that homework for younger children doesn’t actually correlate with improved school performance, …show more content…
They receive too much of it and it is unhealthy for kids. Some teachers and critics may argue that homework isn’t bad, but that’s not true. Homework causes many problems for kids, both physically and mentally. The ten minute per grade level rule should always be followed.If they keep giving excessive amounts of homework, the world will become an awful place. Kids will be mentally exhausted all the time and develop stress-related symptoms. If teachers cut back on homework, kids will be able to enjoy life, and play classic games such as man-hunt or tag under a warm, glowing