The purpose of inflammation is to destroy pathogens and repair damage tissue, as well as destroy the pathogen. There are four signs of inflammation. These are: acute phase in which proteins activate such as complement proteins, cytokines and specialized proteins. The specialized proteins are fibrinogen and bradykinin.
The next phase of the inflammation process is vasodilation. This occurs as a result of increased vessel permeability due to histamines which cause edema. Phagocytes move to the source of the inflammation. Pus formation can occur at this time. Tissue repair can begin depending on the type of tissue. Fever develops as a result of increased body temperature. This occurs as a result of the body’s response to fighting off a potential threat or invader to the immune system. The hypothalamus is known as the body’s thermostat. It regulates our temperature. Our temperature will increase as a response to a crisis situation within our cells. A low grade fever can be helpful. It helps suppress microbial growth. It increases the metabolism of cells. It increases the immune response by activating the lymphocytes or white blood cells. If our temperature is abnormally high, it can be a problem. This high temperature can lead to tachycardia, electrolyte imbalance or dehydration if left …show more content…
These antimicrobial substances are called interferons. They are responsible for interceding viral replication. The virus cannot replicate itself due to the binding of interferon on the cell surface. The complement system is another factor in the immune process for the body. This system is composed of 20 large proteins that are produced in the liver. They help the process of phagocytosis by producing antimicrobial peptides. These peptides regulate our immune response. The complement system helps to attract phagocytes. It also increases the phagocytosis process and causes cytolysis by creating MACs or Membrane Attack Complexes (MPITB 2014). Opsonins are antibodies made of protein that coat the bacteria and help the phagocyte attach to the microbe. This is called “opsonization” (MPITB 2014). Some bacteria can get past the complement process. The bacteria are armed with capsules, which help to prevent complement activation. Bacteria can be either gram-positive or gram-negative. The capsules in the bacteria will prevent MAC formation and digest