This summer I had my first research experience, with Dr. English, investigating symmetry-breaking states in coupled electronic oscillators. This project gave me experience in experimental construction, data taking, and simulations with Python and Mathematica. Even though this work is outside the field of condensed matter physics and complex materials, the experience taught me valuable lessons for physics research in general, including how to allot tasks and experiments, how to determine proper resources and critically analyze them, as well as how to overcome frustrations and compulsions from unpredicted complications. What’s more, I recently achieved my first publication from the work I did this
This summer I had my first research experience, with Dr. English, investigating symmetry-breaking states in coupled electronic oscillators. This project gave me experience in experimental construction, data taking, and simulations with Python and Mathematica. Even though this work is outside the field of condensed matter physics and complex materials, the experience taught me valuable lessons for physics research in general, including how to allot tasks and experiments, how to determine proper resources and critically analyze them, as well as how to overcome frustrations and compulsions from unpredicted complications. What’s more, I recently achieved my first publication from the work I did this