Theories Of Learning Emotional Intelligence

Superior Essays
Learning Emotional Intelligence
The word “intelligence” is often used to describe the traits that are defined by theories of general intelligence, and its usage in everyday language suggests that it is being used to refer to scope of knowledge, rather than an ability to grasp concepts. However, there are many different types of intelligence. One of these intelligences, is emotional intelligence (EI). Whereas general intelligence, and the methods by which it is measured, such as an intelligence quotient (IQ) test is well-known, emotional intelligence is becoming more relevant to the general public, and it is now considered more important than intelligence quotient measures by experts, in terms of determining an individual 's success. Despite
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The concept of intelligence is widely debated. While there exists many different theories of intelligence, and theories defining different types of intelligence, not all of these forms of intelligence can be easily explained in terms of the definition of the word “intelligence”. While emotional intelligence is one concept which is not unanimously accepted as a form of intelligence, there are also several similarities between general intelligence and emotional intelligence. Ugwu (2011) states, “ability is a component of general intelligence, which suggests that humans posses the ability traits that are relevant to controlling emotions. Having the will power to control emotion is a function of general intelligence”, and that emotional intelligence resembles other forms of intelligence, which can be influenced and developed by age and
Learning Emotional Intelligence 3 environment (p. 139). Despite the existence of an ability component to emotional intelligence, it is generally agreed that emotional intelligence can be learned. From a view which does not consider it to be a form of intelligence, it is obvious that emotional intelligence can be
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When considering whether or not emotional intelligence in general can be learned, it is useful to consider the fact that the term
“emotional intelligence”, when used in non-academic contexts, generally refers to trait-based emotional intelligence. Employee training, for example, sometimes include strategies of improving upon emotional intelligence. Thus, emotional intelligence can be learned, as it is tied to personality and behaviour from the perspective of a trait-based measure.
Learning Emotional Intelligence 5
It is important to consider the methods by which emotional intelligence can be effectively taught. Many employers now recognize the value of emotional intelligence, and have developed specific training programs designed to improve upon the emotional intelligence of employees, so that they are better able to interact with co-workers. Emotional intelligence is often overlooked in a school environment, where development of general intelligence is valued more than development of emotional intelligence. A study on an education program targeted towards sixyear- old children was conducted, and described by Ulutaş & Ömeroğlu (2007): “[The

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