Portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, or iPods cause tons of problems in modern day society. Social media judges my generation harshly and it makes people feel bad about themselves. It also gives us problems in our lives, like fighting with friends, giving us distractions, and/or causing health problems.
Think about it, when you go to bed, do you play around on your phone until you fall asleep? Admit it, you have done this more than once. It has been tested that if you are on your phone before you go to bed, sleepiness increases throughout the day. It has also been proven that people using a sleep aid, such as an app with music or calming sounds, have later bedtimes than people who go to sleep naturally. When you play on your phone at night, the light is bright enough to make your brain think a light is on, which makes you stay awake even longer then you had planned on (Electronics in Bedroom).
Some negative effects on teens may be obesity, aggression, sleep problems, and potential mental health problems. You can be at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis (Roberts). Kids who play videogames on their phones such as Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, or Five Nights at Freddy’s are at more risk to show more aggression towards others (Thornton). Kids with mental issues turn towards video games for relief when in reality it is only making it worse and causing addiction to the dangerous games (Roberts). Using electronic devices in class is another downside. …show more content…
Teachers have to fight kids to put them down just so they can focus on what is going on in the classroom. Kids who normally take notes are now playing games on their phone and failing their classes. It is shown that kids who use laptops in class score 11% lower on tests and quizzes. They showed that the laptop interfered with the students learning and ability to comprehend, therefore they scored lower on tests than the students who took notes with pencil/pen and paper (Devices in Class). Using computers, students may be allowed to click on and/or find inappropriate content that should not be in schools. Some students may find a loophole to the blocked websites he school has restricted for a reason (Digital Devices in Class). Technology is affecting the way people communicate, Instead of having face-to-face conversations, they will text or call each other. “All 100 respondents owned a smartphone or tablet. When asked how frequently students use their cell phones, 60% of respondents said they use their phone more than 4 hours a day, with 18% of respondents admitting to more than 8 hours of usage a day. Almost all students (97%) bring their cell phones or tablets with them every time they leave the house and only one respondent said they rarely do.” That is a lot of people who are basically addicted to there phones. It shows how dependent humans are on there phones and electronics in general (Drago). Kids eyes are being affected by all the screen time from these electronics. Studies are showing that it is increasingly getting worse. Young adults are on electronics an average of nine hours a day and it is only increasing from there. The typical kid is getting up to eight hours of screen time, and it will only be more hazardous as the kid grows up. The longer you look at a screen, the more eye strain that will occur, therefore you will have more headaches. You definitely can walk away anytime, and that would help tremendously (Kahn). When you are looking at different things in your view, your eyes blink a certain amount of times depending on how close the object is. Blink rate slows down when things are closer to you, and faster when they are farther away. If you are holding a device close to your face, your eyes will start to feel dry and it could become a problem. If you are sitting at a computer or hand-held device for a long period of time, again, it can cause headaches and eye strain (Chan). “We smartphone users are now so emotionally attached to our phones that losing one would cause 20