How Did Andrew Jackson Change His Mind

Decent Essays
Andrew Jackson's presidency began in 1828, his main goal of becoming a president was to help with the peoples wills. Andrew thought that people wouldn't know what a democracy was, until america's political process was significantly reformed. While he was running for president, he made a political organization that directed out towards the public. He didn't like the institutions that divided the poor and rich. President Jackson didn't have time for political processes that got in the way of his presidential doings, he advanced in presidential power and the people thought that it threatened the separation of essential power of the republican government. Andrew Jackson showed/had more respect for political, and economic rights than previous presidents. He wanted the number of officers increased, …show more content…
He threatened to bring in the United States army to make sure people go by the federal law. He dishonored his vice president and put off his Southern political duties. He went into conflict, or accepted and moved on with politicians, he didn't want anything to do with them, or they didn't want anything to do with him. Jackson had often been a confusing because he changed his mind and sometimes twisted things around, and what I mean by that is. He wouldn't support one thing, but then later on change his mind and actually support it or he'd set his rules in place and then change them. Many didn't understand the logic of his thinking. Andrew Jackson had many roles in being a president, and he did most he could. He supported the political and economic rights of the people, but didn't care about the rights of Native Americans. He only fought and helped with what he believed in, and supported. Jackson was a well known president, and very good at his job if it was something he wanted to help with, and support. And if he didn't then he ignored the fact that it even

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