Andrew Jackson Dbq Analysis

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Even though Andrew Jackson had enemies, he still cared for all Americans. Andrew Jackson wanted to become president so he could create a government where people would be heard. While campaigning in 1824-1828, he said he would listen to the people. He was then elected President in 1828 and re-elected in 1832. Democratic means that all branches of the government need to follow the wishes of all people. How democratic was Andrew Jackson? Andrew Jackson was democratic because he wanted diversity of all people, was fair to everyone and wanted to welcome everyone. One reason Andrew Jackson was democratic was because he wanted diversity of all people. Andrew Jackson’s message to Congress said, “...fourth part of the stock is held by foreigners …show more content…
In the book, The Life of Andrew Jackson, it says, “Van Buren alerted the President immediately (that Swartwout had “criminal tendencies”).” (Document 7). In this book, it discusses that Andrew Jackson was going to appoint Samuel Swartwout as a collector of the port of New York. Van Buren warned him because the collector’s job deals with a lot of money and Swartwout could possibly steal that. He didn’t listen to Van Buren because he thought everyone should get a fair opportunity. In his message to Congress, he said, “...if they remain within the limits of the states they must be subject to their laws.” (Document 8). In this message, he is addressing that it is fair that if the Indians get the land that they need, they should follow the laws so it’s fair to everyone. This way the Indians get their land but then it is fair to everyone because they all have the same rules. This evidence shows that Andrew Jackson was democratic because he didn’t want to take away other people’s opportunity. He thought Samuel Swartwout should be given the opportunity to be a money collector at the port. He also thought that the Native Americans should get their land. He didn’t want only the rich or only the white to have opportunities. He wanted everyone to have the

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