Universal male suffrage allowed all white men to vote, leading to an increase in voters and more elected officers, representing a greater voice to people rather than just those in power. (D) Male suffrage as increased but their rights came with a great fight. For the rights of men, The Working Men’s Declaration of Rights was written to voice their opinions in response to the working men’s party. (A) This party was made with the basis of the liberties of the constitution and at the time it was written, on December 1829, The Jacksonians still not grant these men with equal rights as they did after, when suffrage enveloped all white
Universal male suffrage allowed all white men to vote, leading to an increase in voters and more elected officers, representing a greater voice to people rather than just those in power. (D) Male suffrage as increased but their rights came with a great fight. For the rights of men, The Working Men’s Declaration of Rights was written to voice their opinions in response to the working men’s party. (A) This party was made with the basis of the liberties of the constitution and at the time it was written, on December 1829, The Jacksonians still not grant these men with equal rights as they did after, when suffrage enveloped all white