Andrew Jackson's Change In The United States

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When we as Americans look back at our past, we are often overwhelmed with all of the significant events and people that shaped this great nation. When we take a closer look we can pick out a few that shaped this nation more than others. This country was founded over 200 years ago which gives us plenty to analyze, however, Andrew Jackson is one person in particular who undeniably played a huge role in shaping our country in the 1800s. A man of humble beginning that rose to prominence on the national stage and enacted his policies in a nation.
Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1776, on the border of North and South Carolina. He later moved to the Nashville region of Tennessee where he became a wealthy landowner from the money he made from a private law practice. In 1796, Jackson was elected Tennessee 's first representative in the United States House of Representatives. The following year, he was elected to the United States Senate, but then resigned after serving only eight
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Jackson was well liked by Americans and was seen as a man of the people. Jackson gained support from all different social classes and groups of people; this helped him win the 1828 presidential election. Jackson took office with intentions to cleanse the government of corruption and restore the nation’s finances. One of the first things Jackson did when he took office was creating the Spoils System. About ten percent of the government officers were replaced by Jackson due to their incompetence, corruptness, and overall dislike of Jackson. President Jackson, however, liked to call it “the principle of rotation in office” by allowing more citizens to participate and avoid becoming a bureaucracy. Unlike any previous president, Jackson vetoed 12 bills that he believed to be a matter of policy rather than just unconstitutional. Yet he had no intentions of extending federal authority at expense of the

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