That statistic should speak to you on how bad the gun culture and gun violence in America is. Where do we draw the line? How many lives lost are worth the right to own a gun? I believe that one unnecessary or unwanted death is enough, but there has been over 1,700 deaths and almost one mass shooting per day since Sandy Hook and Congress has done nothing. These deaths are not harden criminals that deserve this fate, but they are adults that have so much to look forward to in their lives, they are children that will never go through life's ups and downs of getting married, graduating high school, getting a degree, getting their first job or first girlfriend or boyfriend, having a baby, traveling around the world or country. These deaths are children of parents that will never see their beloved child every again, they will never get to see their child grow up and develop and that is just so wrong. These 1,700 deaths won’t even get one more day to say goodbye to the ones they loved or to take it what life offered them one last time, their lives were abruptly taken from them without warning and nothing has been done to prevent these deaths from happening again and again. Semi-automatic firearms, rifles in particular have become the weapon of choice of mass shooters and there is absolutely no reason to have them be legal. Banning semi-automatic firearms would lower the chances of a mass shooting from
That statistic should speak to you on how bad the gun culture and gun violence in America is. Where do we draw the line? How many lives lost are worth the right to own a gun? I believe that one unnecessary or unwanted death is enough, but there has been over 1,700 deaths and almost one mass shooting per day since Sandy Hook and Congress has done nothing. These deaths are not harden criminals that deserve this fate, but they are adults that have so much to look forward to in their lives, they are children that will never go through life's ups and downs of getting married, graduating high school, getting a degree, getting their first job or first girlfriend or boyfriend, having a baby, traveling around the world or country. These deaths are children of parents that will never see their beloved child every again, they will never get to see their child grow up and develop and that is just so wrong. These 1,700 deaths won’t even get one more day to say goodbye to the ones they loved or to take it what life offered them one last time, their lives were abruptly taken from them without warning and nothing has been done to prevent these deaths from happening again and again. Semi-automatic firearms, rifles in particular have become the weapon of choice of mass shooters and there is absolutely no reason to have them be legal. Banning semi-automatic firearms would lower the chances of a mass shooting from