First off, gun control has distinct negative outcomes that sway the minds of people to not support more gun control. In a poll of roughly 21 million people, 54% said no to increased gun control in the poll above; this shows that more than 8% of people do not want any more gun control ( . One reason for not supporting gun control is the fear of gun control negatively affecting gun owners by making the purchase of guns increasingly difficult and could still not cause any difference in …show more content…
To support gun control would mean less guns in people’s possessions and a reduction in gun related accidents, but with an anticipated increase in burglary, theft, assault, and possibly not affect the criminals committing gun crimes. Not supporting gun control would keep burglary, theft, assault crimes on a low due to a criminals fearing others because they might be carrying a concealed gun along with the security and peace of mind owning a gun in your home; on the other hand, not having gun control to prevent potentially dangerous people from buying military grade weapons that could murder a plethora of people before the gunman is apprehended poses a seemingly worrisome problem as well. Both choices implicate a positive and a negative outcome to the topic. Not supporting increased gun control has a more favorable outcome than the increase of gun control mainly due to death by guns compared to all deaths is only 1.3% in