The commercial "Related" uses humor and real life examples to entice viewers to use Also the use of a catchy jingle and the credibility of the creator help with the quality and success of the commercial. In the GoDaddy commercial "Related", a women talks about having a business and struggling until she decide to use the site to creat her own domain and start her very own website. She then proceeds to become excited about her first non-realities customer and celebrants with an arm pumping dance, as does the rest of her family. This commercial easily catches the eyes of people watching tv. The commercial has a lot of information that through humor gets displayed to the viewers. GoDaddy is a company that helps new, small business owners create a way to get their product on the Internet to display it to the potential client. They are invested in helping people get their ideas online in an affordable way. ( ) The use of a normal struggling business women, helps promote the use of their company to those who find themselves in the same situation. The showing of how easy the website designing program is, helps give a sense of quickness and smoothness. The "Related" commercial uses humor as the biggest attraction. The family of red heads and the celebration dances holds the viewers. Making viewers laugh at the absurd gesture the whole family does, makes it seem like the whole family is close. It also shows that the family is very supportive in the woman 's business and that they are just as excited as her when she gets her first non-relative costumer. Its when the women says " I …show more content…
The jingle sounds like a cute bell type ring, the sound one hears when walking into a small business. It makes the viewers feel as if they are entering a business that is unique in a way but at the same time it is a business that is successful. It makes GoDaddy look like it can add internet websites and in turn it creates a business that is small but successful. The commercial makes it sound like, anyone that wants to own a business can if they just use GoDaddy. It just takes a click to be successful, which is what GoDaddy is trying to promote thought the cute jingle that makes the viewer feel as if they can have all their dreams come …show more content…
In the commercial the woman talks about struggling to get her business started. She then used to help set up a website to gain customers. This situation appeals to those starting new companies an also those who are interested in starting a business. It shows that it 's not just them that struggle, other people struggle to start up as well. Everyone can use help and GoDaddy is the place to go in that time of need. The commercial gives viewers a sense of reassurance knowing that there is a company there to help start up business, because they know as a start up business that it is not easy to start fresh and make great things. Things may get tough but you need to stick it out and things will get better with time and