George Orwell And The Patriot Act

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Was Orwell trying to warn us of something that could be a big problem? Orwell writing the book sixty seven years ago never knew his predictions would be so close to becoming true. His predictions of the government spying on its people can be compared to today's “Patriot Act” in the United States Of America.
The Patriot Act was step forward after the horrible nine eleven terrorist attack. The patriot act was created by president bush (Leithauser, 1). This was his first attempt to protect the U.S.A. from future terrorist attacks (Kollar, 7). The act had many different purposes. Its main reason was surveillance to stop terrorist and criminals. For an example the police would use wiretapping and surveillance to catch criminals. With this evidence,
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Law enforcement were not the only people abusing this act. Many accused the president and the attorney general of trying to get more power from this act (Kollar, 1). The executive branch of america's government already does a lot of foreign intelligence gathering (Kollar, 3). “When national security is threatened privacy reduction is reduced’ (Kollar, 2). Just like the president, law enforcement wanted to do wiretapping and surveillance. Many officials who grew on surveillance data did so without the public knowing (who's listening, 1). The result of this began the Berger VS. New york case. This case put an end to warrantless surveillance. The ending of this case resulted by it “ required a judge to issue a surveillance order” (Kollar, 3). But, section 206 of the patriot act gives FISC the ok to do wiretapping on anyone they choose too (Kollar, 5). This case also brought to the people's eyes that the patriot act was unconstitutional (Kollar, 7). Later on the republicans in the house of representatives and senate saw this and wanted to get rid of the patriot act completely (Leithauser, 1). Later on the senate voted to expire the act (who's listening, 1). Which later on was replaced by the USA Freedom Act. This Act was a hope to help the citizens out and make it so that it would not violate the fourth …show more content…
Orwell was spot on with all the technology and surveillance in the book compared today (Monacellibj, 1). For example in the book all the citizens are watched. Well in today's society there are cameras everywhere. People have webcams that could be watching people at any time just like the telescreens (Monacellibj, 1). With all the new technology coming out it just gives more opportunities for our government to watch us. Electronic surveillance grows with the understand of how they work and can be hacked by just about anyone (Kollar, 3). And how there were cameras everywhere in the book. There were “bugs” in the trees is just how there are hidden cameras everywhere in every town in the united states (Orwell, 98). In the patriot act officials would watch someone and for no reason just like how big brother would in 1984. Many people would not think that Orwell's predictions would even come close to coming true. He was trying to show us the potentionaldangers of the future (Monacellibj, 2). Just like in the book nothing is ever private in today's society. It is up to us to protect our rights (Kollar, 7). Big Brother is always possible in America (Monacellibj,

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