Psychological manipulation, technology and control of history are various methods which the government used to control society as a result it caused the citizens including Winston to lose their sense humanity, freedom and individual creativity. When individual freedom is denied, citizens become puppets of the state. In the end, Winston gave in as his final words were, “I Love Big Brother” (311). It is clear that Orwell is warning future generations. Our world is not far from becoming a totalitarian society because of regulating methods such as phone calls and bank transactions make our era similar to 1984 in which the government used telescreens to control its citizens. Our government’s capability to control us is underestimated and should be more carefully observed. The information of our daily activities and transactions are constantly being monitored similarly to 1984. Our privacy is being infringed upon by our government. In both worlds of 1984 and our society today, daily activities are monitored, and rights and freedoms of citizens are restricted. Seeing that political leaders in 1984 seek control over its citizens, it should not be surprising that the control that our own government has over us evolves in only one direction; towards more control.
Psychological manipulation, technology and control of history are various methods which the government used to control society as a result it caused the citizens including Winston to lose their sense humanity, freedom and individual creativity. When individual freedom is denied, citizens become puppets of the state. In the end, Winston gave in as his final words were, “I Love Big Brother” (311). It is clear that Orwell is warning future generations. Our world is not far from becoming a totalitarian society because of regulating methods such as phone calls and bank transactions make our era similar to 1984 in which the government used telescreens to control its citizens. Our government’s capability to control us is underestimated and should be more carefully observed. The information of our daily activities and transactions are constantly being monitored similarly to 1984. Our privacy is being infringed upon by our government. In both worlds of 1984 and our society today, daily activities are monitored, and rights and freedoms of citizens are restricted. Seeing that political leaders in 1984 seek control over its citizens, it should not be surprising that the control that our own government has over us evolves in only one direction; towards more control.