Cognition involves ability to take in information and store it and use it. It involves the ability to learn and think. Henry's mother is over protecting Henry and not letting him learn the things he needs to learn at his age. He should be learning new things and storing it in his mind. Jean Piaget says, people need to progress in order to learn their cognitive thinking ability. Henry hasn't had the chance to progress because his mother will not let him. Social development is people’s interaction with others around them. Henrys restrictions from his family and any other person will inhibit him from growing in a bio-psycho-social development. This is evidence by Henrys mother’s tight restrictions with Henry. Most children developed their social lives when they interact and play with other children and Henry does not get to do this. This can result in social anxieties in adult hood and causing difficulty significant issues with obtaining jobs, continuing education, or even gaining relationships in any
Cognition involves ability to take in information and store it and use it. It involves the ability to learn and think. Henry's mother is over protecting Henry and not letting him learn the things he needs to learn at his age. He should be learning new things and storing it in his mind. Jean Piaget says, people need to progress in order to learn their cognitive thinking ability. Henry hasn't had the chance to progress because his mother will not let him. Social development is people’s interaction with others around them. Henrys restrictions from his family and any other person will inhibit him from growing in a bio-psycho-social development. This is evidence by Henrys mother’s tight restrictions with Henry. Most children developed their social lives when they interact and play with other children and Henry does not get to do this. This can result in social anxieties in adult hood and causing difficulty significant issues with obtaining jobs, continuing education, or even gaining relationships in any