Gender Differences Between Oxytocin And Women

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Oxytocin is the love hormone that is released by both men and women. Even though oxytocin levels are higher in women, oxytocin effects both genders the same. One problem with oxytocin is that anyone can access this hormone without a prescription. The Food and Drug Administration has not regulated oxytocin so the side and long term effects are not known (Pappas, 2015). Oxytocin helps women with nursing and the birth process. “The hormone causes uterine contractions during labor and helps shrink the uterus after delivery” (Pappas, 2015). One after effect with oxytocin in women promotes mother-child bonding. As mentioned by Pappas, the higher amount of oxytocin, the more likely she was to engage in bonding. Men in addition to women also develop …show more content…
One difference between the two genders is that oxytocin in men also helps with relationships towards women. Men who have taken oxytocin that are in a relationship have experienced shyness when trying to interact with women other than their partner (Pappas, 2015). The way that men received oxytocin is through a nasal spray. Oxytocin spray can be obtained by anyone and doesn’t require a prescription prior of use. As mentioned above, oxytocin does not require a prescription. The Food and Drug Administration has not went into exclusive research regarding this product. Currently, oxytocin is used on patients that have autism. Oxytocin didn’t help the patients with identifying emotions. But what it did help was with social interaction. The purpose of over the counter oxytocin is to promise stress relief and social ease. This article showed both the positive and negative effects of oxytocin. While oxytocin is known as the “love” hormone, it can be easily accessed by anyone. I found this article to be very informational. This article talked about what the purpose of oxytocin was along with its uses. It also talked about some negative aspects such as the FDA regulations which I found to be very

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