To begin with, there are a few things you should consider before you jump and decide to go right ahead and feed your baby using formula. First, let’s begin with the facts about breastfeeding. The emotional bond, while you are breastfeeding your child is very imperative. There is a strong emotional bond that is developed between the mother and her baby. This relationship promotes a growing attachment to the baby and the mother, and this attachment will continue to play a significant role in the baby’s development. There have been studies to show there is a zero percent chance your child will be diagnosed with an ear infection. Also, you save a ton of money and, not to mention the food is always there and available, so it is convenient for that matter. Breastfeeding is just the healthiest and natural way to feed your baby. Another benefit from breastfeeding your child is there have been studies to show higher IQ scores later on in the child’s life. Overall, breastfeeding provides your baby with tons of nutrients to keep your baby healthy. Also, is it recommended that babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months, after the first six months it is encouraged to continue breastfeeding until at least 12 months. As for opting to feed your baby formula, there are many different circumstances in which the mother is unable to breastfeed or just decides not to breastfeed for her own personal reasons. Formula food is known for babies to have lots of allergies. Also, the formula contains soy and soy converts into estrogen in the body, and you do not want this to happen. The formula does not include antibodies or enzymes, which is important for the baby to have so the baby to have. Besides, the cost for formula is very expensive, the price for baby formula can run from anywhere to $60.00-$100.00 a month, while the cost of breast …show more content…
As I was reading this research article, it made me realize how beneficial breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the baby, but also the mother as well. One key point to start off with is that breast milk is known for being the best complete form of nutrition. Breast milk contains protein, vitamins, and fat for the baby. Breast milk also provides natural antibodies, which help your baby fight off many infections. Overall, breastfed babies are often less constipated and healthier than babies being formula fed. Now, did you know that there are even significant, substantial benefits for the mother revolving with breastfeeding? Well, for one, breastfeeding lowers a mother’s risk for two types of cancers, which are ovarian and breast cancer. Breastfeeding also is known for burning those extra calories off. Another great benefit is that you save a whole lot of money because you do not have to worry about buying that expensive formula. Also, it gives you your time alone as you relax and bond with your