Remarkably, it does outstanding work in our body and brain. Oxytocin affects us mentally and physically, but oxytocin is also a great life facilitator in the way it influences us. Oxytocin is most noteworthy for milk ejection and labor contraction. For women, oxytocin is a lifesaver, because it is accountable for formulating a female’s body for childbirth, stimulating milk “let-down” so that a baby can properly feed, and aiding the union between a mother and a newborn infant. At the very last month of pregnancy, more receptors are developed which permits the smooth muscles of the uterus to respond …show more content…
After the process of delivering a baby is when the lactation process takes place. The milk producing glands generate milk only when the infant sucks them out. This leads the hypothalamus to release oxytocin, which makes the myeopithehial cells contract and stimulate the milk down. Oxytocin is a great life support to pregnant women around the world. Are you worried about your sexual arousal? Keep in mind that oxytocin plays a role in increasing sexual arousal, which is really important in marriage life in both genders. This is when oxytocin takes action to connect you with your partner. In non-sexual relationships it plays a wide function in social and non-social behaviors. In terms of social behaviors, it helps in the formation of social memories, as well as affiliation and aggressive behavior. With social memories, oxytocin carries the face recognition characteristic, which is one of the most essential elements in our daily life. Generally, oxytocin enriches memory for faces with different facial expression such as happy, sad or angry. It has been proven that we tend to remember faces better with angry facial expression. Social bonding is