Pitocin Research Paper

Decent Essays
Pitocin is the medicine that is administered intravenously to a woman to accelerate or induce childbirth. it is the cause of which contractions are produced faster. The pitocin is the artifisial reproduction of the hormone oxytocin that the woman naturally creates at the time of delivery. Oxytocin is the female hormone that the body produces to naturally cause labor contractions. During the birth this hormone is growing. The drug Pitonicina is regulated by a pump, which regulates the amount of medication that enters the mother's body. The contractions caused by Pitocin are very different from those caused naturally by oxytocin. The purpose of administering this medication is to accelerate contractions to cause dilation of the cervix. "The administration of Pitocin is done gradually, controlling the number and duration of the contractions it produces through the fetal monitoring equipment," explains Adrián Del Boca, obstetrician-gynecologist at Miami Obstetrics & Ginecology. …show more content…
The endophyrne hormone are small protein chains that are released through the spinal cord and the bloodstream. The mind produces at least 20 different types of endorphins, which are stored mainly in the hypothalamus. Its function is to reassume ourselves with a pleasant sensation when we do something convenient for our body. Example practice sex, exercise or being accompanied, motivating us to continue looking for that feeling by practicing these beneficial

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