In the TQM case, it is essential for top managers to be 100% committed to the organisation. Indeed, it might be the critical factor in the success of any program. (Boyle, 1992). More than leading, top professionals must be fully involved to have the motivation and the ability to effect the company. They have to desire to change things and give their whole time and brain to it.
Top professionals must also have communication skills. Indeed, there is a whole link between good communication and successful quality implementation (Boyle 1992). In the TQM process, effective communication is used. Is consists of interviews, presentations, report briefings, small group communication, active listening. They always have to share the information with subordinates so they can trust them, feel confident to give their viewpoint, happy at work and develop their skills to maximise the quality of their work and so of the products sold. Communication is also needed to understand the external environment such as consumers needs with surveys. A great example of a successful organisation is shown in The New York Times published the 27th of May 2009, which is the Facebook creation …show more content…
Indeed, in any organisation, a change of situation or environment always occur. That is what might happen with the enhancement of new technologies for example or a change of supplier. A top manager has to adapt to any change, to anticipate and respond positively and to have alternative options. He has to be able to solve the problem very quickly, otherwise, a waste of time might have a negative impact on the production. Finally, such as in many organisations, to solve a problem, teams are created. However, let’s remind that as Belbin explained, teams have to be balanced. A team builder has to hold the team together, be able to define each member’s role and form balanced teams that will get through the storming stage. (Belbin, 2013) We can notice the particular use of quality circles or problem-solving teams in such