Federal Response Process Analysis

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The Federal response process to a disaster can be started in three different ways. One way is for the governor of the affected state to present a formal request for federal assistance. Another way for federal response if a federal entity was damaged which the president can declare a presidential emergency. The third one is the newest form for federal assistance to be request, which the president can start the pre-deployment process of resources for in anticipation of disaster. In this situation to pre-deploy resources doesn't require a formal declaration sign by the president. Although, the governor still has to make a formal request for federal assistance. This permits FEMA to have a quicker response to a disaster and assess the situation to call in more resources or less.
The process of requesting federal assistance is set forth in the National Response Framework (NRF) that came out in 2008, replacing the National Response Plan (NRP). The final say if a disaster is Presidential Declared is the president. There isn't any government regulations or set criteria that bounds the president decision. Although, FEMA, the recommending agency, has criteria which to base
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The governor and their staff works with the regional Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administrator to prepare the formal request to the president. The regional FEMA administrator will evaluate the disaster against a set of criteria and then will consider the requirements needed to grant the state's request. Acting through the secretary of Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the administrator gives their recommendation to the president, who then makes the final decision in declaring a Presidential Declared Disaster, either an Emergency Declaration or Presidential Major Disaster Declaration

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