Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Improved Essays
Disaster Management in the United States
Grace Anderson/L27294987
HLTH 505/B03 LUO

“Every year, disasters put millions of Americans in danger and destroy billions of dollars worth of property. But every year, all year, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is on the job —as part of a team helping communities reduce their risk, helping emergency officials prepare for all hazards, and helping people get back on their feet after their lives are disrupted by a disaster.” (DHS) FEMA is responsible for coordinating with federal operations and logistical disaster response capability that is needed to save and sustain lives, minimize suffering, and protect property in a timely and effective manner in communities
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Community members can contribute by: • Reducing hazards in and around their homes. By taking simple actions, such as raising utilities above flood level or taking in unanchored objects during high winds, people can reduce the amount of damage caused by an incident. • Preparing an emergency supply kit and household emergency plan. By developing a household emergency plan and assembling disaster supplies in advance of an event, people can take care of themselves until assistance arrives. This includes supplies for household pets and service animals. See the recommended disaster supplies list at http://www.ready.gov. • Monitoring emergency communications carefully. Throughout an emergency, critical information and direction will be released to the public via various media. By carefully following the directions provided, residents can reduce their risk of injury, keep emergency routes open to response personnel, and reduce demands on landline and cellular communication. January 2008 National Response Framework Page 17 CHAPTER I: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Volunteering with an established organization. Organizations and agencies with a role in response and recovery are always seeking hardworking, dedicated volunteers. By volunteering with an established voluntary agency, individuals and households become part of the …show more content…
It includes the collection and analysis of intelligence and information, as well as the development of policies, plans, procedures, mutual aid and assistance agreements, strategies, and other arrangements to perform missions and tasks. Planning also improves effectiveness by clearly defining required capabilities, shortening the time required to gain control of an incident, and facilitating the rapid exchange of information about a situation. Governments at all levels have a responsibility to develop detailed, robust, allhazards response plans. These plans should have clearly defined leadership roles and responsibilities, and they should clearly articulate the decisions that need to be made, who will make them, and when. These plans should include both hazard-specific as well as comprehensive all-hazards plans that are tailored to each respective jurisdiction. They should be integrated, operational, and incorporate key private-sector and NGO elements and persons with disabilities. Among the many contingencies that response plans must address, planning for evacuations presents particular challenges. In this area, plans must include: • The lead time required for various scenarios, including no-notice and forewarned events. • Weather contingencies. • Transportation. • Interdependencies between shelter locations and

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