As a new principal in an unfamiliar school, I would need to learn about existing family engagement by gathering data in order to develop an appropriate plan. According to Ferlazzo, “We need to relate to families, not as clients, but as partners in school and community improvement,” (2011, p. 10). Similarly, we need to engage all stakeholders in the community to support our schools, and educate teachers, that it is a misconception that providing parents with power does not decrease our control; rather, it increases the size of the pie to afford additional opportunities (Ferlazzo, 20011, p. 14).
Initially, I would advertise my new position in a “Who Am I?” format to acquaint myself with everyone. In order to reach a larger population I would advertise this information on the school website, local newspaper, and local, as well as on a Community Bulletin Board on the local TV channel where announcements will be posted. To include all populations, the information will be provided in multiple languages according to school data. The website in particular, will have a translator drop down that offers every language. This would be one of several locations that surveys could be housed to give stakeholders a voice regarding their concerns and feelings on new programs, and serve as a way for me to better understand the priorities of the community. General and targeted populations could be surveyed, such as teachers, support staff, the Spanish community, in addition to students with disabilities. After investigating and analyzing the school and town demographics on and , I would also gather any district documents that were created by my predecessor, supervisors, and the Director of Curriculum to analyze programs and academic priorities that were being worked on. …show more content…
For instance, viewing the previous year’s School Wide Goals or Action Plan would provide an indication of the school’s current path. Of course, meeting with teachers, listening to their ideas of the vision they desire for the school, would be imperative. Furthermore, I would meet with my secretary to create a list of school/parent activities and school/community activities that were currently on our event calendar. This data would offer me insight and provide me with a starting point. For instance, if the school was already conducting parent teacher conferences several times a year, I would not need to work on that, however, if home visits were not on the agenda, that would be a topic I would want to talk about when I met with the stakeholders. Once this data was reviewed, it would provide me with indicators to create target groups. I would then create a ‘Listening Tour’ that could be advertised on the cable channel bulletin board, district website, automated calls, and posted flyers at strategic community locations. The following chart lists groups I would solicit to improve engagement efforts with the school. TEACHERS SUPPORT STAFF CUSTODIANS, LUNCH/ RECESS, & BUS PERSONNEL STUDENTS TOWN BUSINESSES GENERAL PARENTS SPECIAL NEEDS PARENTS ESL PARENTS MINORITY PARENTS NEW FAMILIES VFW, AMERICAN LEGION TOWN COMM POLICE, FIRE, & FIRST AID …show more content…
A short time later, I would create a Community Advisory Group comprised of stakeholders, begin home visits to engage new families and those that normally would not participate. The advantages of home visits, improving academic achievement, test scores, attendance, and parent involvement, are all positive outcomes I would strive to achieve as the new principal of an unfamiliar school (Henke, 2011, p.