Family Engagement Assignment

Improved Essays
Family Engagement Assignment

Family engagement is an important aspect of any childcare setting especially in early childhood education programs. I chose to asses the South Kingston Inclusionary Preschool in Kingston, Rhode Island. This school offers programs for children ages 3 to 5 years of age. It also offers services for children who are developmentally delayed or are in need of special services. The family friendly survey addressed the following areas of the school: physical environment, school-wide polices and practices, and Home-School Communication. There are several areas of strength in this program, but there are also areas that can be improved upon. This programs strongest area overall was the physical environment. There is
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The staff encourages parents to ask questions and voice their concerns at any time. Many parents take advantage of communicating by phone. The schools website is kept up to date with events and other opportunities taking place at school or within the community. A school wide newsletter is sent home with each child weekly inform parents and families of upcoming events or just general information. Families are also provided with a daily news sheet form the classroom teacher. These sheets include information about the activities that the group did for the day and the standards they met. Parents and families are recognized by the school as partners in education. They acknowledge that the families know their child best. This philosophy can be easily seen through their accidents and injuries procedure. Accident reports are thoroughly filled out by the adult who witnessed the accident. The office then signs the report and presents it to the parents at pick up. In some cases the office will call the parents to inform them of an accident or injury. The schools staff and administration works to create an open and two way communication to inform families of what is happening in the school and with their child. These factors support the claim that this center is strong in the home-school communication …show more content…
The program is successful in providing families information. However, there is little to no focus on family involvement. Survey item B-11: The school seeks parent’s ideas regarding parental involvement in the school, could be improved. After working in this environment I believe one of the major factors for the lack of family involvement is because of time. The majority of families who send their children to this program work full-time. This could be a contributing factor the program does not excel or put emphasis on family involvement in school. In an effort to improve the survey item B-11, I will use standard 5: sharing power, and Epstein’s type 3:

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