(Demystifying 20 myths in 16 minutes)
(A research by The Strategist - People Matters)
The enigma of Generation Y (Gen Y) has been more intriguing than fascinating for the corporate world; intriguing because of the many myths that surround this concept and a clutter of data which is influenced from the perspective of a world that the Indian ecosystem finds difficult to relate to. Gen-Y in Indian context is a generation which has reaped the benefits of Post Liberalization (1994) era, a generation that has known abundance and not scarcity.
More than often we shrug the concept of Gen Y as a misplaced norm or just a passing fad, comparing this to “Teenage Phenomenon” which we believe is a turbulent …show more content…
Their priorities are different and often go beyond the traditional 9 to 6 career plans. They have watched with horror as their parents worked punishing hours in their scramble for money and status. Gen Y not only cares about salaries, but also about flexible working hours, time to travel and a better work-life balance, which often results in the notion that they don't have work ethos.
• Gen Y is not comfortable with delayed gratification Gen Y wants instant and real time feedback. They want to be appreciated on the spot for their achievements, this magnification has risen from their experiences of ‘helicopter parents’. Gen Y don’t like to wait for yearend appraisals to either get a feedback or gratify them.
• Gen Y prefers bosses who are weak so that they can dominate them
On contrary, Gen Y looks seeks strong bosses. Strong bosses to them mean ones who have subject knowledge and ones who empower them and guide them. Gen Y is not comfortable with the idea of respecting their superiors simply because of their position, or roles but would rather respect them for what they bring to the table as a friend, philosopher and …show more content…
• Gen Y believes Careers are purpose of their lives More than often Gen Y come from backgrounds which are economically stable, thereby starting their careers at ‘Esteem’ level in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, rather than ‘Physiological or Safety’ levels as the past generations have done. This economic freedom has resulted in exploring various hobbies or interest which influence their purpose of live. More than often Careers are a Means to End (hobby / interest) and not an End in itself.
• Gen Y will hold back their thoughts and not share in public
Gen Y has been encouraged throughout their childhood to share their thoughts & feelings in an open fashion. Social media has only strengthened this belief over a period of time and Gen Y believes that sharing their thoughts in public is a reflection of them being transparent in their lives.
• Gen Y doesn’t rely on internet to form their opinions Gen Y is very close to their family and friends but at the same time they see Internet as an extension of their personality and lives. Gen Y believes internet is a great source of reliable information. Gen Y often shares their views candidly over the internet which in turns also makes them rely on it to seek